In a Violent Nature (2024) Multi Audio [Hindi+English+Tamil+Telugu ] 480p , 720 ,1080 Watch On Faxflix
In a Violent Nature (2024) Multi Audio [Hindi+English+Tamil+Telugu ] 480p , 720 ,1080 Watch On Faxflix

In a Violent Nature (2024) Multi Audio [Hindi+English+Tamil+Telugu ] 480p , 720 ,1080 Watch On Faxflix

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Friends find a locket dangling from the ruins of a fire tower. Troy, one of them, keeps it in his pocket. A few moments later, Johnny's body emerges from the earth. Furious, he sets out to find the locket and makes his way through the forest. He pauses when he spots a decaying fox corpse and hears two men nearby quarreling; one of them set the traps that killed the fox. Johnny approaches a house and sneaks inside. He briefly remembers his father when he spots a necklace that he believes to be his locket. Soon after, the homeowner comes back, but he flees after being appalled by Johnny. Johnny kills him in the woods after he gets his leg caught in his own bear trap. Johnny later chases after a car he hears in the distance.

Actor : Ry Barrett. Andrea Pavlovic. Cameron Love
Director : Chris Nash
Release : 2024
Format: Mkv
Size: 600MB | 1.39GB | 6.87GB
Tagline: •"Where every frame tells a story." • "What you see will change everything." • "Get ready for the ride of your life." • "Where reality ends, the story begins." • "The action never stops." • "Dare to watch till the end." • "Feel every moment. Live every emotion." • "Because life’s too short for boring movies."
Rating: 5.6/10
languages: Hindi+English+Tamil+Telugu
Captions: Yas

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 In a Violent Nature (2024)

Download Quality Language Size
Google Drive 480p Hin+Eng+Tam+Tel 600Mb
Google Drive 720p Hin+Eng+Tam+Tel 1.39Gb
Google Drive 1080p Hin+Eng+Tam+Tel 6.87Gb


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